Nutrition in Bacteria

On the basis of Nutrition Bacteria are divided into two types:
  1. Hetrotophic Bacteria
  2. Autotrophic Bacteria

Autotrophic Bacteria :

These are those bacteria which can synthesis their all the organic compounds. They are able to use atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogen. These are also of two types:
  1. Photosynthesis Bacteria: These are those bacteria that can derive their energy from sun light.(eg: Purple Sulphur Bacteria )
  2. Chemosynthesis Bacteria: These are those bacteria that can derive their energy through chemical reaction. (Eg: Nitrifying bacteria )

 Hetrotrophic Bacteria 

The bacteria which are unable to synthesis their organic compounds are called hetrotrophic bacteria. They don't contain bacteriochlorophyll. They are of three types:
  1. Symbiotic Bacteria: these bacteria make mutal relation with other living organism.(EG: Nitrogen fixing bacteria)
  2. Parasitic Bacteria: These bacteria make living in other organism and causing harm to that living organism from which they take nutrition. ( Eg: Disease causing bacteria) 
  3. Saprophytic Bacteria: Those bacteria that can obtain their nutrition from dead and decaying organic matter are called Saprophytic Bactria: (Eg: Decomposing Bacteria)

Binomial Nomenclature

The same plants or animals maybe called by different local names in different countries or in same countries with different religious name. Thus Carolus Linnaeus discovered Binomial Nomenclature in which writting the name of individuals with two different words one indicate Genus and other species. Genus is written in capital letters and species in small letter and both should be underlined. According to binomial nomenclature system, the scientific name of some plants and animals are as follows

Mitotic Cell Division (MITOSIS)

The term mitosis was given by Walter Fleming. It is also known as somatic cell division because it take places in somatic cells. During mitosis one mother cell give rise to 2 daughter cells having equal number of chromosome hence, it is also called Equational cell division.

Mitosis is completed in the following steps :  
  1. Prophase
  2. Metaphase
  3. Anaphase
  4. Telophase


These contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of 1:2:1. The basic formula of carbohydrate is ( CH2O)n.
Carbohydrate are known as saccharides means sugar. Carbohydrates are classified into 3 main categories
  1. Mono saccharides
  2. Oligo saccharides
  3. Poly saccharides

Mono Saccharides: 
  • It is colorless, crystal, sweet in taste and soluble in water
  • These are simplest sugar having unbranched straight carbon chain
Oligo Saccharides:
  • It is compound sugar made up of mono saccharides units binds together by co-valet bond
  • It is colorless crystal, sweet in taste and soluble in water.
Poly Saccharides:
  • These contain large number of mono saccharides to form branched or unbranched chain
  • These are tasteless and not soluble in water.


Protein are nitrogenous bases which are made up of large number of Amino acid linked together chemically. All proteins are made up of C,H,O,N & P. Protein are macromolecules cuz of their high molecular weight.
Based on the chemical nature proteins are classified into three categories.
  1. Simple protein
  2. Complex protein
  3. Derived protein
Base on the structure and shape of protein molecules they are classified into two types
  1. Globular Protein
  2. Fibrous Protein


It is another important nuclic acid present in both plant and animal. About 90% RNA is found in cytoplasm and 10% in Nuclelous. It is genetic material of some virus. Mostly single stranded (SS)RNA are found but rarly (DS)RNA are also present. THe common nitrogeneous base presence in RNA are:
  • Adenine(A)
  • Guamine(G)
  • Cytosine(C)
  • Uracil(U)


  1. It plays important role in protein synthesis
  2. It is gnetic material of some virus


It is also called genetic material cuz it carries the hereditary character from one generatin to another. It is present in both Prokaryotes and eukarytoes cells except some virus. It is mainly found in the nucleus of the cell. Normally double stranded (ds) DNA is present but rarly single stranded (ss) is also present.
  • Adenine(A)
  • Guaneine(G)
  • Cytosine(C)
  • Thymine(T)


Nucleus ws discovered by Robert Brown. The study of Nucleus is called Karyology. It is the largest cell organellie found inn cell. It contain 4 parts:
  1. Nuclear membrane
  2. Nucleo Plasm
  3. Nuclelous
  4. Nuclear Reticulam


  1. Helps in cell division
  2. Removes dead cells
  3. Chromosomes contain genes that control the hereditary character
  4. It produce Ribosomes


Mitrochondia are small spherical, long rod or filamentous. mitochondria are found in Eukaryotic cell and absence in Prokaryotic cell.

Mitochondria is double membrane structure containing outer and inner membrane. The outer membrane is smooth while the inner membrane is folded inward to form cristae. The mitochondria is filled with fluid called Matrix in which cristae is suspended. Mitochondria mainly contain protein (70%) and lipid ( 30%)


Presence of vacuole is the character of plant cell. Vacuoles are liquid filled cavity. The liquid contains watery solution of many inorganic ions such as : K, Cl, Mg, etc and many organic substances such as Sugar,protein,organic acid, fatty acid and some gases. All these are collectively called cell sap. It maintain the osmotic pressure of the cell. The vacuole is surrounded by the thin membrane called vacuolar membrane.

In young cell dividing cells vacuoles are small, many and scattered throughout in the cytoplasm while in mature cell there is single large vacuoles in each cell.