Nutrition in Bacteria

On the basis of Nutrition Bacteria are divided into two types:
  1. Hetrotophic Bacteria
  2. Autotrophic Bacteria

Autotrophic Bacteria :

These are those bacteria which can synthesis their all the organic compounds. They are able to use atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogen. These are also of two types:
  1. Photosynthesis Bacteria: These are those bacteria that can derive their energy from sun light.(eg: Purple Sulphur Bacteria )
  2. Chemosynthesis Bacteria: These are those bacteria that can derive their energy through chemical reaction. (Eg: Nitrifying bacteria )

 Hetrotrophic Bacteria 

The bacteria which are unable to synthesis their organic compounds are called hetrotrophic bacteria. They don't contain bacteriochlorophyll. They are of three types:
  1. Symbiotic Bacteria: these bacteria make mutal relation with other living organism.(EG: Nitrogen fixing bacteria)
  2. Parasitic Bacteria: These bacteria make living in other organism and causing harm to that living organism from which they take nutrition. ( Eg: Disease causing bacteria) 
  3. Saprophytic Bacteria: Those bacteria that can obtain their nutrition from dead and decaying organic matter are called Saprophytic Bactria: (Eg: Decomposing Bacteria)